Monday, 16 February 2015

ASTUTE PARENTING :.......... Contd. from last post of 14.2 '15.

The Big Question is: Where can you teach VALUE EDUCATION Best, in School or at Home?

The answer is easy and simple, at Home only. In spite of the fact, that these high end CORRUPT GREEDY SCAMSTERS  went to good schools and colleges, still they want to jail for various charges. 
Had they been instilled good Values at home and had their parents also exhibited those values in their daily life during the growing years when they were children, these people would definitely had not been so greedy or persons with criminal mentalities. 

Whatever we are, we are what we learn at home during our formative years, 4 to 14 years. Many people tell that 'Moral Science' is a subject in most schools. You can see, it had little effect on these white collar scoundrels or anyone else. Because in school, you only hear or read which has little effect on the child. Only with personal example and by being the role model to the child, parents can instill values, morals, discipline, civic sense, common courtesy, patience, compassion, kindness, contentment, sincerity and many other positive humane values and qualities which go on make a person who can become a true asset to our society. Greedy parents mean more greedy children.If the child sees the conduct of his parents bereft of high values, he will learn lower values from the street.

In any case, school teachers are loaded with heavy syllabus and are responsible for entire class comprising of say 50 or 60 children. These values have to be taught personally but a teacher is in no position to give personal attention to each child in such matters of great importance for the parents but not for the teacher. It is they who have to live with the children not the teacher, specially in their old age. Often, parents take great pains and pride in bringing up the child. Sometimes, they even take heavy loans to educate the children and send them abroad for higher studies. When the children settle abroad, making a guest appearance in India, many parents feel let down, destined to  spend the old age in loneliness with a feeling of rejection. With aspirations of the younger generation going higher and higher, such homes are a common sight.

There will be many differing views on the above. Each person has his own priorities and decide accordingly. Class of a grown up person can be easily judged from his pleasing, arrogant or rude manners and the way he conducts himself. As the child is growing, Positive Traits such as GENEROSITY, DISCIPLINE, PATIENCE , DILIGENCE, HONESTY, COURAGE OF CONVICTION & WISDOM etc. must be inculcated  to help the same child to become a person of good conduct and substance. 

A full-fledged lesson of CHILDHOOD - PARENTING appears in our book 'YES TOGETHER WE CAN' on page 33. Just access our website to read it. Along with other lessons, this shall help you becoming a better parent basically for your own benefit. It shall help you now & later. So long then.

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